Postnatally acquired CMV meningitis diagnosed via BioFire FilmArray: A case report

Stark, A.*, Peterson, J., Weimer, K., Hornik, C. | JNPM 2021;


Postnatally acquired cytomegalovirus (CMV) is commonly acquired via breast milk, with premature infants more frequently developing symptoms of CMV infection in comparison to term infants. Meningitis is a rare clinical manifestation of CMV infection. The diagnosis of meningitis is difficult to make in infants, particularly those who are preterm. Consequentially, broad-spectrum empiric antimicrobial coverage is often administered for several days while waiting for current gold standard CSF testing to result. The BioFire FilmArray (BFA) simultaneously tests for 14 different pathogens, including CMV, allowing for quicker diagnosis and shorter time to definitive treatment. Here, we report a very low birth weight infant with postnatally acquired CMV meningitis, the first to our knowledge to be diagnosed using the BioFire FilmArray.

*Corresponding Author: 

Ashley Stark, MD, MS, Department of Pediatrics, Duke University School of Medicine, Box 3127 DUMC, Durham, NC 27710, USA. Tel.: +1 415 516 4607; Fax: +1 919 681 5825; E-mail: