Lung ultrasound guided pulmonary recruitment during mechanical ventilation in neonates: A case series

Pierro, M., Chioma, R., Ciarmoli, E., Villani, P., Storti, E., Copetti, R. | JNPM 2022;

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Recently, the first report of lung ultrasound (LUS) guided recruitment during open lung ventilation in neonates has been published. LUS guided recruitment can change the approach to open lung ventilation, which is currently performed without any measure of lung function/lung expansion in the neonatal population. METHODS: We included all the newborn infants that underwent a LUS-guided recruitment maneuver during mechanical ventilation as a rescue attempt for an extremely severe respiratory condition with oxygen saturation/fraction of inspired oxygen (SpO2/FIO2) ratio below 130 or the inability to wean off mechanical ventilation. RESULTS: We report a case series describing 4 LUS guided recruitment maneuvers, underlying crucial aspects of this technique that can improve the effectiveness of the procedure. In particular, we describe a novel pattern (the S-pattern) that allows us to distinguish the recruitable from the unrecruitable lung and guide the pressure titration phase. Additionally, we describe the optimal LUS-guided patient positioning. CONCLUSIONS: We believe that the inclusion of specifications regarding patient positioning and the S-pattern in the LUS-guided protocol may be beneficial for the success of the procedure.

*Corresponding Author: 

 Maria Pierro, Neonatal and Paediatric Intensive Care Unit, M. Bufalini Hospital, AUSL Romagna, Viale G. Ghirotti, 286 - 47521, Cesena, Italy. E-mail: