Neonatal presentation of incontinentia pigmenti with a family history extending over four generations – A case report

Abstract. We report a case of Incontinentia pigmenti (IP). A day 2 female presented to the special care nursery with seizures. EEG showed multifocal epileptiform discharges and cranial MRI revealed extensive cerebral infarction. A rash appeared shortly after birth. Eye examination revealed changes of IP. There is a strong family history of IP. Genetic testing excluded the most common mutation. Follow-up reveals significant development delay.

*Corresponding Author: 

Dr. Rahul Ojha, Sydney Medical School – Nepean, The University of Sydney, Discipline of Pediatrics, Nepean Hospital, Derby Street Penrith, 2750 NSW, Australia. Tel.: +61 247342155; Fax: +61 247343610; E-mail: