Extravasation of total parenteral nutrition into the liver from an upper extremity peripherally inserted central venous catheter

Peripherally inserted central catheters (PICC) are the mainstay of central venous access in preterm infants, and one of the common procedures performed in neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Complications of PICC include infection, mechanical dysfunction, thrombosis, migration, and extravasation of the infusate. In this report, we describe a case of PICC inserted from an upper extremity with migration into the inferior vena cava (IVC) and the hepatic vein associated with extravasation of the total parenteral nutrition (TPN) into the peritoneum and the liver. This case highlights the vigilance required not only to insert but for the maintenance of PICC to prevent complications associated with migration of PICC.

*Corresponding Author: 

Shantanu Rastogi, MD, MMM, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Maimonides Infant and Children’s Hospital, 4802 Tenth Ave, K-113, Brooklyn, NY 11219, USA. Tel.: +1 718 283 8853; E-mail: srastogi@maimonidesmed.org.