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The Journal of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine
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The prevalence of and attitudes toward neonatal functional echocardiography use and training in the United States: A survey of neonatal intensive care unit medical directors
S. Schachinger, R.B. Stansfield, G. Ensing, R. Schumacher∗
Utilization of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in congenital hypertrophic cardiomyopathy caused by maternal diabetes
B.H. Arzuaga*, A. Groner
Cardiogenic shock as the initial presentation of neonatal systemic hypertension
N. Xiao∗, A. Tandon, S. Goldstein, A. Lorts
Interpretation of left ventricular dimensions of neonates obtained from echocardiographic examinations during the early neonatal period
H. Nagasawa∗
Clinical predictors of urinary tract infection in the neonatal intensive care unit
E.E. Foglia*, S.A. Lorch
Fecal calprotectin in hypoxic ischemic neonates: Relation to enteral feeding
M.F. Nassar, I.A. El-Agouza, S.E. El-Arab, T.F. Abdel Mohsen
Calculation of total fluid intake in 32 to 35 week gestational age infants in Canada: Does weight or day of life matter?
J. Morinis, M. Butt, A. Latchman
Calculation of total fluid intake in 32 to 35 week gestational age infants in Canada: Does weight or day of life matter?
J. Morinis, M. Butt, A. Latchman
Hand-disinfectant alcoholic vapors in incubators
C. Paccauda, D. Vernez, M. Berodec, N. Charri`ere, A. Moessinger, B. Laubscher
Subdural total parenteral nutrition collection: A complication of a peripheral scalp intravenous catheter in a neonate
A.Z. Kohn∗, D.A. Bloom, J.D. Wilson and S. Krishnamurthy
MassTag polymerase chain reaction investigation of neonatal sepsis
A.J. Carey∗ , D. Verdugo, G. Palacios, W.I. Lipkin and R.A. Polin
Perinatal dengue infection: Two new cases
S.S. Shah∗, P. Bhide and P. Mankare
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