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The Journal of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine
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Volume 11, Issue 4
Volume 11, Issue 4
Worsening anemia associated with volvulus in a stable neonate with intestinal obstruction
Moore, G.P.*, Byrne, A., Davila, J. , Sarfi, E., Bettolli, M.
The perception of pre- and post-natal marijuana exposure on health outcomes: A content analysis of Twitter messages
Dakkak, H., Brown, R., Twynstra, J., Charbonneau, K., Seabrook, J.*
Early feeding, hypoglycemia and breastfeeding initiation in infants born to women with pregestational diabetes mellitus
Cordero, L.* , Stenger, M.R, Landon, M.B., Nankervis, C.A.
Retrospective case-control study of necrotizing enterocolitis and packed red blood cell transfusions in very low birth weight infants
Crabtree, C.S.*, Pakvasa, M, Radmacher, P.G, Adamkin, D.H.
Postnatal blood pressure in the preterm small for gestational age neonate
Dizon, S., Hoffman, S.B.*
Effects of assisted reproductive technologies in neonates with indications for surgery (2007–2016)
Watanabe, S.*, Kondo, Y., Naoe, A., Yasui, T., Suzuki, T., Hara, F, Uga, N. , Miyata, M, Boda, H.
An interpretation of the neonatal period definition obtained with echocardiographic examination by using change point regression analysis
Nagasawa, H.*, Motz, R., Hamada, C., Kohno, Y., Yamada, Y.
Gastric lavage in babies born through meconium stained amniotic fluid in prevention of early feed intolerance: A randomized controlled trial
Yadav, S.K. , Venkatnarayan, K.*, Adhikari, K.M., Sinha, R., Mathai, S.S.
Exhaled breath condensate nitrite in premature infants with bronchopulmonary dysplasia
Yen, E.*, Weinberger, B., Laumbach, R.J., Ohman-Strickland, P.A., Vetrano, A.M., Gow, A.M., Ramagopal, M.
Is Breast Best? Examining the effects of alcohol and cannabis use during lactation
Brown, R.A., Dakkak, H., Seabrook, J.A.*
Transplacental lidocaine intoxication
Demeulemeester, V.* , Van Hautem, H. , Cools, F., Lefevere, J.
Early recognition and management of fetal head trauma with massive subgaleal hemorrhage
Assad, M.* , Spaight, M, Sink, D, Martin, J.
Fetal gunshot brain injury leading to late postnatal hydrocephalus
Pham, T.* , VanWoudenberg, C., Chandrasekar, I.
Neonatal cholelithiasis in Down syndrome: Is hypothyroidism involved? A case-report
Ricci, F.*, Stagi, S., Messa, F., de Martino, M.